The New Year is a great time to stand back and take stock of things. That’s something we can all do as individuals, but it’s also something we should do as business owners. So why not use this January to ask one simple question: are you getting as much out of your workforce as you should be? If the answer is no, then these suggestions could help you have a more productive 2019!

The New Year is a great time to stand back and take stock of things. That’s something we can all do as individuals, but it’s also something we should do as business owners. So why not use this January to ask one simple question: are you getting as much out of your workforce as you should be? If the answer is no, then these suggestions could help you have a more productive 2019!

1: Think about branded workwear
A workforce should look like a cohesive team, and it should be an advertisement for your business. High quality branded workwear can help your workers make the best first impression possible, and give your company another layer of visibility. That, of course, is in addition to all the normal health and safety benefits you might expect from your gear!

2: Even the best workman needs good tools
No matter how dedicated your staff is, they can only do so much if they haven’t got the tools they need. Everyday equipment, like envelopes, computer supplies, and more, are the oil that keeps your business running smoothly. Taking your stationery supplies in-hand and stocking up on the essentials is a sensible way for any business to start the year!

3: Comfort is king… and could be instrumental in better health
Are your staff as comfortable as they could be? That’s a more serious question than you might realise: back pain is the number one cause of absence from work, and one of the prime causes is sub-standard seating and workspace organisation, which plays havoc with our postures. The best time to have your seating and set-up appraised and ergonomically optimised is right now!

4: Is your office designed to work?
There is a huge difference between an office that has evolved naturally, adding and subtracting bits here and there as needed, and an office that has been consciously designed to be as productive as possible. Rethinking your work space to create a more team-focussed environment where everything is streamlined and falls into place is one of the best things you can do for your business.

5: Is it time to make some space with shredding?
Early in the year is a perfect time to clear out your old files and shred archived material you no longer need. This way, you’ve plenty of space for new work, and you can guarantee that you’re treating customers’ data with the respect it deserves. Remember, since new data protection laws came into force in May, shredding is the best solution.

At Streamline, we’ve got a long history helping businesses deliver on the above. If you want to explore branded workwear, stock up on stationery, book an ergonomic assessment, explore a workspace redesign, or get your shredding collected, we’re the perfect people to help. Call us on 01295 250171 and set your business on the right path in 2019.
